AGRINOVA goes for Russian market
Russian flagship investment projects in the field of gardening, viticulture, and wine-making will be presented at the 2nd International Orchards of Russia Forum and Exhibition.
The 2nd Annual Investment Forum & Exhibition “Orchards of Russia 2019” (22-23 May 2019, Moscow) is a high-end international platform for attracting investment to Russian commercial horticulture, discussing industry development strategy, sharing best practices among key market players, and securing new win-win contracts.
Registration request.
Programme Highlights:
- Plenary session and discussion: federal and regional government, regulators, investors, project initiators will discuss the national support policy, project financial terms, legislative landscape for starting nurseries, for planting stock coming from abroad, and many other crucial issues for the prosperous development of commercial fruit and grape growing industry within 2020-2021
- Presentation of 80+ flagship investment projects in the field of commercial fruit and grape growing to be executed within 2020-2025 from all over Russia
- Planting stock and nurseries – what is needed to accelerate the development?
- Special economic keynote: success of the industry and growth points. Assortment policy and what to grow?
- Processing – wonderful opportunity to generate extra revenue? How to build and optimize processing capacities?
- Inspirational case studies from the most successful companies from Russia and the CIS; showcase of innovative technologies and equipment useful for your business upswing!
- Specialized and technology-focused discussions: fruit growing, viticulture, berry production. Learn from your peers what experience to adopt and what mistakes to avoid!
- Selling at home and abroad – how to get things going and generate more revenue?
- To go organic. Legislation and workable strategies to grow ecologically clean food
- Dedicated exhibition of technologies and equipment from the global leaders from Holland, Israel, South Korea, Spain, Poland, France, and other countries
- Specialised workshops on apple orchard establishment and treatment. Modern work strategies and novel developments
- Cultivation technologies and nutrition systems to improve fertility of apple orchard: modern innovative means, methods, techniques, technologies, and machinery
The Forum will feature over 80 projects for the establishment of commercial orchards and vineyards, over 30 projects for the establishment of berry plantations, and over 40 projects for storage and processing of fruits and berries.
Fruit-growing projects:
- Igor Antsiferov, General Director, Glazunovskie Sady
- Alexander Volkov, Manager, Sady Sury
- Olga Segal, Manager of Fruit and Berry Orchards, Grigorievskie Sady
- Yury Belov, General Director, AFG National
- Oleg Kobets, General Director, Bryanskiy Sad
- Yulia Portnova, General Director, Frukti Starogo Krima, and a lot more.
Wine-making projects:
- Dmitry Kostyaev, Director, Zavetny Sad
- Pavel Pestov, Director, Legenda Kryma
- Maksim Marin, General Director, Bogaty Urozhai
- Sergey Lebedev, General Director, Alma Valley
- Andrey Ptukh, Director, Bahdolina
- Pavel Pestov, Director, KFH Green Land Plus, and a lot more.
Berry-growing projects:
- Igor Alimenko, General Director, Logus-Agro
- Alexander Prodan, Chairman, Malinovy Don
- Nikolay Sklepkovich, Chairman, SPK Arkhangelskaya Klyukva
- Alexander Lukyanchenko, General Director, Yagody Chernozemia
- Alexander Kesoyan, General Director, Chihachi
- Yury Sharets, Project Leader, Golubika Rossii
- Vladimir Fedotov, Development Director, Rassvet, and a lot more.
Processing and storage projects:
- Leonid Retinsky, President, Rudo-ND
- Rail Ziatdinov, General Director, R-Agro
- Sergey Bogomolov, General Director, Sadovod
- Ilia Prusov, General Director, Vesegonskiy Winery
- Alexander Tsarev, General Director, Tsar Berendey
- Viktor Gorodov, Director, Korochanskie Sady, and a lot more.
To register, follow the link: https://www.gardensforum.ru/en/registration/
Gold sponsor: Fitomag, Silver sponsor: Sumiagro, Bronze sponsors: Advice&Consulting SRL, Unitec, Irrikom, Plattenhardt + Wirth, Sponsor of Session: Stoller
Organised by: Vostock Capital
Contact person: Project Producer Olga Zhogal
E-mail: OZhogal@vostockcapital.com
Tel: +44 207 394 3 090 (London)
Official website: https://www.gardensforum.ru/en